Points in common to the awakening, and knowing
First is; The aspect that we are alone. In this thinking shell called our body, being utterly unaware that this shell is self-sustaining, with its own on board computer. This self-sustaining computer, is more commonly referred to as the, Mind, Brain, Ego, Self, and is our whole body. This computer is constantly giving us a selection of thoughts. These thought's we choose from are the invention of our reality. The second is; Commonly use terms for the tool that we have yet to meet are; Self, Thought, Defender, Reactor, Resistor, Knee jerk, Mind, Brain, Ego, Devil, Me, I, My. Third is; The assumptions of this computer, based in comparing itself to others. This is not realized by each other. Fourth is; The anticipation and assumptions felt as doubt, afraid, fear where our body creates a chemical reaction (Adrenalin) and we allow our computer mind to start reacting to its own chemical reaction. Fifth is; A continuation of a choice and choice is judgment in our computer from our own “desires” that I refer to as our wants, of course if we want something, this means we don’t want what is. Sixth is; Commonly used terms to describe our essence and I should say, what we are. Love, Chi, Essence, Soul, Spirit, Self-less, Energy, Spark, Innocence, you, (the real you love), God, to name just a fiew. Yet, there is no you. What you are is a feeling, as love, we know this until we think. With every thought just notice, what do you suppose is choosing to react to a particular thought? Some thing is selecting, and that thing is you. With the last two in mind, just realizing we are not the equipment. Then everything can begin to clear, and we can see through the fog. Yet be advised, people will say you have lost your mind and they would want to call you insane. So, know this! You are finally beginning to live! Author; Daniel James Wilson |
danielwilsonworks@gmail.com. Daniel James Wilson Also on F.b.